The 900th anniversary of the beginning the Norbertine Order will be a theme upon which I reflect more than a few times over the next year. Remembering the founding principles, the historical context, the persons and personalities, as well as the details of Norbertine history and events over the nine centuries will all be material for articles.
As one of my activities during the jubilee year, I am going to read some of the books about St. Norbert and the history of the Order. I have read most of the books available in English, however, there is one biography that is relatively new that I have not read. Man on Fire: The Life and Spirit of Norbert of Xanten, by Thomas Kunkel, 2019, is the book I am currently reading. Kunkel is the former president of St. Norbert College whose professional training is in the field of journalism. He uses excellent phrasing and gives life to the story of Norbert. I have read many versions of Norbert’s history and this is among the best and most readable.
If you are interested in more information about the Norbertine Order (officially known as The Order of Premontré), go to There, in the menu for “Library,” you will find two 12th century biographies of St. Norbert, called Vita A and Vita B. They are two distinct but similar texts that are part history of the man and part stories of his life that are typical of the stories told of remarkable and holy people. These special stories are identified as hagiography. This is a word from Greek which means “writings about the holy ones.” These writings are passed on not because they are factually true, but rather because it would be fitting if the events happened in the manner described, given the involvement of such a holy person. In any case the two Vitae are interesting to read.
St. Norbert Abbey’s website (, too, may be a site to which you may want to link this year in order to stay informed about anniversary events and news. COVID-19 has already limited some of the programming, but there are various activities throughout the year. Already you might have seen the banners, one of which is displayed on the pillar in the church above the ambo, and the other in the parking lot.
Activities, news, and events there may be. In any regard, we ask for your prayers as well as that promotion of religious life as a Norbertine brother or priest. In the future, I will make a clear list of all the Norbertines who have helped here over the years.
Peace, Fr. Andy