Time To Make a Commitment

On the last Sunday of February, our parish will offer a “Parish Ministry Recruiting Fair – Offering our Gifts of Time and Talent.” This is a chance for you to make a commitment to one of our parish ministries. Parishioners will be available to explain about the ministries in which you can offer your time and talents.

Here is a list of ministries that are available and about which you may find more information on Sunday, February 23 in our Parish Hall:

Usher – help to welcome worshipers, find places for them to sit, assist with answers to questions, facilitate the weekly offering/collection and the presentation of the gifts of bread and wine, guide the people for the reception of Communion, and assist people as they exit the church;

Proclaimer of the Word of God, i.e. Reader – proclaim first and second readings at the Mass (and the Psalm as needed) – requires practice and reverence for the Word of God and for the People of God who hear it;

Ministers of the Body and Blood of Chris, i.e. Eucharistic Minister – offers the Body of Christ and the Blood of Christ to the people at Communion time, and may help to organize the bread and wine before Mass and purifying the sacred vessels after Mass – requires reverence for the Blessed Sacrament and for the People of God who receive it;

Music ministry – accompanists, cantors, choir for Mass and times of prayer and devotion;

Faith Formation –catechists/teachers and assistants for children age 5-18 years of age; parking lot safety guides and hallway monitors; assistants who help the Coordinators of Faith Formation;

Sanctuary Society – every woman in the parish is automatically member; helps with activities for fundraising for flowers and sanctuary needs (candles, hosts, wine, flowers, vestments, etc.); wash and iron altar linens;

Social Concerns Committee – Organize and Oversee parish charities, especially ministry to the hungry, the homeless, and the poor; raise awareness about applying our faith to real world needs;

Parish Council – Assist the pastor to develop strategies for serving the parish and executing those strategies;

Finance Council – oversees parish financial status, budget, and planning;
Worship Committee – plans Sunday and Feast Day liturgies, prayer, and days of reflection for the various liturgical seasons;

Prayer Ministry – Prayer Vine; charismatic prayer group

Art and Environment (adorning our worship space) – assists Worship Committee to create beautiful and proper environments for worship;

Emmaus Retreat Ministry – women’s and men’s retreat groups use the Scripture image and text of the Resurrected Christ walking with and teaching the disciples on the road to Emmaus;

Adult Education and RCIA – plan, organize and execute adult education programs, especially for those who need Sacramental preparation for joining the Church.

Touch Group – ministry to the hospitalized, homebound, and those living in assisted living and nursing care facilities; organize First Friday Communion distribution; deliver Easter and Christmas gifts to parish elders;

Office Volunteer – answer phones and doors in English and Spanish; assist other staff to complete tasks.

Buildings and Grounds – cleaning inside and outside; repair work; set up and clean up for parish events.

Peace, Fr. Andy