They Do Not Need the Church

Many young people tell me that they do not need the Church, or the Sacraments. Because of that belief, I know that we need inspirational examples to guide them in the world. Of course, parents, grandparents and other family members can be examples of a Christ-like life, but many families are lost in the world. Family members follow superstitions and traditions that do not belong to our Catholic faith. Their children watch and then reject the traditions, etc. Furthermore, our families are captured by the world where materialism, Wall Street, Hollywood, individualism, greed, and selfishness dominate. Young people are disillusioned by our divided loyalties.

The young people see the greed of our current world and the lack of attention to long-term problems like global climate change, racism, and prejudice. They are not sure that the older generations care about the future of the young. They hear Christians proclaim, “love your neighbor as yourself,” and cannot make sense of the way we treat one another. The political divisiveness and the rejection of their friends and companions in the LGBTQ+ community result in confusion. They do not see reasons to admire or follow the Christian faith if we tolerate such sins. We must either give them better explanations of our faith, or check the foundations of the doctrines.

In recent weeks we heard St. Paul, in his letter to the Colossians, affirming that Christ is the image through whom all creation has come into being: “…Christ Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For in him were created all things in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible… (Col 1:15-16). For sure, “created all things” means ALL things and ALL people. And, if we did not obey that truth and sinned, Christ has given us a new beginning, “having forgiven us all our transgressions,” (Col 2:13). Therefore, we have a responsibility and an opportunity to, “Put to death, then, the parts of you that are earthly: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and the greed that is idolatry. Stop lying to one another,” (Col 3:5).

I have hear so-called “christian” leaders condemn and even call for the deaths of women who have abortions and homosexual persons. This is not the Catholic Christian teaching! As one can see above, the one through whom all is created is also ready to forgive. We must collaborate.

If you want young people to come back to the Christian faith and to worship in the Church, then show them love and forgiveness. It is not for us to condemn.

Peace, Fr. Andy