Last weekend was our annual parish picnic which we call “St. Willy’s Jam.” It is a “jam” because of the variety of music. Of course, beside the music and entertainment, the community Mass, the food, the children’s activities, the raffle, the pie-in-the-face, and the chance to meet new people were all important elements of a successful picnic.
I have heard these words from many different people: “I met person ‘X’ at Willy’s Jam. We had an interesting conversation. What a nice person.” I hope that you met a new friend at the picnic. As a parish community we must always be looking for opportunities to become even more united. We have a great challenge being “one” at St. Willys because of the language and cultural differences among our parishioners. But, over the years, parishioners and others have formed friendships and made connections which have led to education, business, and community-building opportunities.
Unity is a fundamental goal for all Christians. We have much work to do to accomplish this goal. Even among Catholics there is disunity which seriously delays our progress toward greater unity as followers of Christ. We need forgiveness and conversion. In fact the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) says that we need, “conversion of heart as the faithful ‘try to live holier lives according to the Gospel’ (Decree on Ecumenism, #7); for it is the unfaithfulness of the members to Christ's gift which causes divisions (CCC #821).
Let us all accept the gift of unity which comes from God. In the beginning God created us to be one with each other. Let us ask God to enlighten us to this truth so that we can experience that unity in our lives. Where there is division, let us bring a new desire for reconciliation and unity.
I pray that Willy’s Jam is just one big celebration each year of that which we are living every day: one community of faith which accepts and celebrates her differences. May the Virgin Mother Mary intercede for us so that we might know unity in our community of faith!
Peace, Fr. Andy