“Stop, and smell the roses!” We use this phrase to remind ourselves to appreciate the good things around us. Often, we are so busy that we have little time to value the present moment, the beauty of our surroundings, or the goodness of other people.
Now is peak flower season in this area of Wisconsin. I do not know the names of many flowers, but I see the colors, shapes, sizes, heights, etc., and if I am able, I smell the flowers for their unique aromas. As I drive around the Green Bay area, I appreciate the work so many people have done to create beautiful landscapes around their houses and in their gardens. Even the median strips on some city streets have been planted with flowers and green plants, making travel a more pleasant experience. If you see me smelling the flowers near your house, or in your garden, do not be surprised. We must stop and smell the roses!
Equally important to seeing the beauty of nature is seeing the goodness of others. A common “sin” that people confess is that they “have judged others.” I sometimes ask the penitent a question about this sin. I ask if they condemned the other, or thought that the other was bad, or undignified. I remind them that we do not get to condemn others or determine their worthiness. God will do so. We do not need to.
When we fall into a habit of judging others harshly we do well to remember the image of the iceberg. I have written of this image in other articles. We can see only a small part of an iceberg above the surface of the water. Around 90% remains below the surface, unseen from above. At times icebergs roll over (see YouTube for some amazing videos!). Then we can see how large, complex, and even beautiful is that unseen part of the iceberg. It is a useful image for looking at other people. We are aware of only a small part of the actual experiences, memories, traumas, worries, hopes, etc. of the other. Upon what basis can we judge, criticize, or condemn another person? We are even unaware of parts of our own lives that remain hidden below the surface! When I use the image of the iceberg, I find that I am less likely to judge another in harsh ways.
Let us appreciate the goodness of the created world around us. All people have been created in the image and likeness of God. Sons and daughters of God, we have great value and dignity. Let us stay positive and look for the God-like in ourselves and in the other. Let us stop and smell the roses!
Peace, Fr. Andy