Beginning on Sunday, March 6, and continuing for two more days (March 7 & 8), we will have three days of parish retreat in the church. Sunday at 2:00 p.m., and Monday and Tuesday at 6:00 p.m., Fr. Phil Schoofs will present themes for our spiritual reflection and conversion (see the announcement in this bulletin and posters on the walls). He is a bi-lingual priest, originally from Wisconsin, who has served for 20 years in Mexico.
Each day of the retreat there will be music that pertains to the themes, as well as “hospitality,” that is, food! Each session of the retreat will be approximately one hour, presented in the church. While the retreat is not food-oriented, we will conclude in the Parish Center sharing some time together to talk about our lives and the experience of the retreat. Already, there has been planning and work done to prepare for the days. Nearly 25 people have volunteered to take responsibilities to make the retreat successful, and I am not counting all of the choir members!
Please plan on using this opportunity to get Lent started with some energy and focus. The season of Lent prepares us for the great celebration of Christ’s Resurrection on Easter. The Easter season, then, offers us the chance to rejoice in that central theme of our faith that is so important – we will LIVE FOREVER! And, at the end of time, we will experience BODILY RESURRECTION, like Christ himself experienced. Let’s be ready!
Some other topics: Bishop’s Appeal – our total funds raised increased $1,000 this week! Let us keep going. Remember, those who are totaling the contributions cannot give us updates immediately. So, the increases are trailing behind our actual giving. Let us be patient.
Fr. Andy away – I am away this weekend. For one week I am visiting our Norbertine community in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Abbey of Santa Maria de la Vid is home to several Norbertines whom I know well. They invited me to visit and spend some days of quiet there. It has been 15 years since I last visited. See for more information and photos of their community.
In late January I took a few days away as well. I realized that I had not taken a weekend away for over a year. You all deserved a break from me! And deserve another! At that time, I went to the North woods for some rest, physical labor, and peace. I did not see anyone, nor talk to anyone for 5 days! My mind and heart rested.
God forgives! Let us repent!
Peace, Fr. Andy