Gradually opening up the parish to more and more activities, for more and more people, is our continuing goal. Since the time we invited people back to the public celebration of Mass last June, our goal has been to maximize the participation within the limitations of public health guidelines. Mass attendance has slowly but steadily increased throughout the year. As you know, we are planning our annual parish picnic, St. Willy’s Jam on June 13. We hope that many people come out for what we hope is beautiful day of prayer, music, food and fun.
This past year has required us to be very deliberate about our health and our relationships. Being aware of the other has been so important as we seek to avoid illness, protect others from infection, and fundamentally show respect for each other’s needs. Of course, such fundamental respect is essential to our Christian faith. Jesus Christ himself demonstrated the generous action of self-emptying (kenosis in Greek). In Paul’s letter to the Philippians 2:6-7 we read, “though he was in the form of God, he did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance…” Followers of Christ prepare themselves NOT to get everything they want, or to get everything “their way.” No, we humbly empty ourselves for GREATER goods, the good of the many.
On May 14, the CDC announced that vaccinated people need not wear masks. Nonetheless, at the parish, we will continue our previous practices. We encourage people to do so because persons who are vaccinated can be infected and pass that infection on to other people. The unvaccinated are the most vulnerable. We have people who choose to not be vaccinated, and children, only some of whom are currently eligible to be vaccinated.
Persons who have been vaccinated, if they become infected, do not experience severe symptoms, or maybe none at all. Praise God! However, there are pockets of outbreaks of COVID-19 that have occurred in contexts where all persons are vaccinated, e.g. New York Yankees baseball organization! If unvaccinated persons come in contact with those persons and do not follow current public health practices, it can be risky. For now, we will continue with masks, physical distancing, and good hand hygiene. This will allow more time for more people, including children, to be vaccinated. In due time, we will gradually move to new, appropriate, and respectful practices.
Peace, Fr. Andy