Wow! We have seen such devastating hurricanes, floods, tornados, fires, earthquakes and other natural disasters – what is happening? Then, we had an eclipse, too! Is the world coming to an end? Is God angry with the world? Did some group of people do something so bad, so immoral, that God is punishing the world? Or, did people living in the impacted areas do something to deserve punishment?
NO! NO! NO! We do not believe in such a God. This is not Catholic doctrine!
We sometimes forget that we live in a dynamic natural world. Weather, solar events, movements of the earth’s tectonic plates, and other phenomena are indications that the world is still being formed and reformed. The earth is God’s creation and God is still creating! Hurricanes naturally occur as the earth’s way of redistributing heat from the equator toward the polar regions. Hurricanes are not a punishment. They are the result of heat, humidity, and wind currents. In the end we need hurricanes to keep balance in nature. Coastal areas are ultimately cleansed by hurricanes even as homes are destroyed.
Like fires in forests, hurricanes have a periodic cleansing effect. However, if you live near those affected places, then there is a human cost, even death. For such death and destruction we have great compassion. God who has promised us eternal life does not turn away from those who have died tragically in natural disasters. And, God does not abandon those who have been saddened by the loss of loved ones or the loss of important possessions. God loves us through all these pains and difficulties. God loves us even as we grieve.
As God’s beloved daughters and sons we are responsible to one another. We are the ones who must show God’s love to those who are hurting and whose lives have been changed by natural disasters. We can reach out with generosity and charity, with hands to help, and with smiles and words of encouragement. This is how God expresses love – through us, through you and me!
To all those who have prayed for the victims of natural disasters and who have sent financial or material support, I offer you thanks. You have done a Godly thing for others. You have shown God’s love!
Peace, Fr. Andy