Touch Group

Reaching out to “touch” our parishioners is our call.

The Touch Group members meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 8:00AM in the parish hall. We meet from September-November, and January-April of each year.


We have four major focus areas.

The first is a visitation schedule for our homebound and nursing home parishioners. We visit the homebound on the First Friday of each month, bringing them Communion. Trained volunteers visit the nursing home residents at least once per month. We also deliver a poinsettia to all nursing home, homebound, and parishioners over the age of 85 at Christmas and some type of spring time surprise near Easter.

We sponsor the parish Prayer Vine. If you or someone you love is in need of prayer, you can call our Prayer Vine number (432-5247). Sandra will take your information and begin the chain of phone calls asking our people of prayer to remember your intention.

One of our special events is to provide a Memorial Mass each autumn. Held near the feast of All Souls Day, we invite the families of all of the people buried through the parish in the last year. It gives them a chance to light a candle and honor them one last time. The families are also invited to a breakfast after Mass to share a little longer with family and friends.

A second special event is our annual Anointing Mass, usually held some time during the Lenten season. We invite all who want healing of the body, mind, and spirit to come to a the 4:30pm Saturday, 7:30am Sunday, or 12:30pm Spanish Sunday Mass. Each person has the healing hands and sacred oils placed on them.


Opportunities For Involvement


Committee members meet monthly as indicated above to plan for all on-going events. All are welcome to be a part of this group.

Memorial Mass

Helpers plan and coordinate Mass and continental breakfast in November for families of all parishioners who passed away in the previous year. Assistance is needed as liturgical ministers during Mass, with the preparation and serving of the continental breakfast, with assisting the families as they light candles, or as greeters for Mass.

Anointing Mass

Volunteers help plan and coordinate a celebration of the anointing of the sick each Lent. On that designated weekend, the anointing is part of our Saturday 4:30pm as well as our 7:30am Sunday Mass.


Visitors keep in touch with parishioners on a regular basis. Our homebound are taken communion on the first Friday of each month. We also bring ashes around Ash Wednesday, bless their throats near the time of the Feast of St Blasé, and take small gifts to them at Christmas and Easter.

Prayer Vine

Prays for intentions of others. Prayer requests are passed from member to member by phone.

Nursing Home Visitors

Go to one or more nursing homes regularly, visiting all St Willebrord parishioners who live there. At Christmas and Easter small gifts are taken to them. We also send cards to them at Christmas and near their birthdays.