Look at your faith lives anew

Merry Christmas! May God’s Light be born in you again this Christmas!

      As we begin a new calendar year, we are hoping to begin, soon, the repair of our church ceiling. We think we have the correct people to advise us as we move forward. A ceiling with the artistic details and unique construction that was common in the 1890’s is not easily repaired in 2023. The details of the plaster give the beams a contrast of light and darkness without changes to the paint. Those who constructed the church building had skills that are found only rarely today. Please pray for our parish community as we endure the costs of repair, and the burden of being out of our beautiful worship space for these months.

The repair of the ceiling as we begin a new year can be also an image for the “repairs” needed in our lives. The New Year offers an invitation to reconcile with others, to repair broken relationships, and to form new relationships for the good of as many other people as possible. So-called “new year’s resolutions” are one way to refer to such reconciliatory commitments. However, as followers of Christ, we are committed to healing and reconciling ALL OF THE TIME! The new year is an opportunity for renewing that which we must seek continuously.

I invite all parishioners to look at your faith lives anew. Is there something that you have completed and now you need to begin something new? Is there some part of your life and activities that has gone fallow and needs to be cultivated? Specifically, are there ministries in the parish for which you have some desire to be trained and given instruction? I can assure you that we need liturgical ministers, persons to visit the sick and those living in nursing homes, and those who are generally available for whatever is needed – clean-up, decorations, yard work, etc. For what are you feeling a call to step forward and offer yourself?

I look forward to sharing the new year with you and discovering what new opportunities we have for discovering God’s grace though service to the parish and beyond.

Merry Christmas and Peace, Fr. Andy