“Keep it positive!” That is an invitation I have seen posted in various places during my lifetime. Staying positive, looking for the positive, speaking positively, etc. are all included in the “keep it positive” statement.
Recently, I did an on-line search for “positive news.” I found a number of websites and even a news outlet dedicated to sharing positive, good, and hopeful news stories. Many remarkably good and positive activities, interactions and initiatives are occurring NOW!
How are you creating, causing, and/or participating in such positive dynamics? As Catholic Christians, our lives are rooted in the Good News of Jesus Christ. This good news is also called the Gospel. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the positive, hopeful, and forward-looking news of our salvation in Christ. Regardless of how bleak, negative, difficult, and sad our lives and the world around us may appear at any given moment, we trust in something greater. We trust that our lives are eternal, and that sadness, suffering, and death itself will give way to the joyful, the pleasant, and the life affirming.
There are creative people currently working to end conflicts between Israel and Palestine. Jews, Christians and Muslims are united in efforts to bring peace and justice to the Holy Land and to the Middle East. Good News! There are people dedicated to offering legal assistance to immigrant children who are facing deportation from the United States and European countries. Good News! There are people who are searching for resolutions to global poverty, hunger, thirst, and homelessness. Good News!
How are we putting energy, creativity, intelligence, resources and talent toward helping the communities in which we live? In Brown County we have a homelessness crisis, a mental illness crisis, a hunger crisis, etc. There are not enough affordable apartments and houses for residents. There are people living in their homes and on the streets who need better mental health care resources. There are 150 people who come each evening to receive a free meal at N.E.W. Community Shelter. There are thousands of local people who seek help at one of the 28 food pantries in Brown County. Over 21,000 people are considered “food insecure” in Brown County. Food insecurity is having limited or uncertain availability to nutritionally adequate and safe foods that can be acquired in socially acceptable ways (from Feedingwi.org).
We can be the positive, the Christ-like for others. Let us be Good News for others!
Peace, Fr. Andy