I believe…

“I believe!” Those were the last words before we plunged 22 children and adults into the living waters of our Baptismal Font at the Easter Vigil. Receiving the Sacraments of Initiation was the culmination of much prayer, study, discussion, and discovery. What a blessing to have these new Catholics in our parish. Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for them as they seek to be nurtured through the Eucharist and their on-going reflections during the Easter season. Thank you to Juanita, Larry, Abril, Mary, Miguel, Barbara, Manuel, Timoteo, Itzel, Veronica, Pepe, Rudy, and others who led and guided them over the last two years.

Important news: Pope Francis hopes to visit the Greek island of Lesbos to show solidarity with refugees who are being deported under the European Union's controversial program to ease Europe's migrant problem. Remember that his first pastoral trip after his election was to the island of Lampedusa, the island to which African refugees flee to escape oppression and poverty.

Pope Francis calls all people to respect the rights of those who flee danger, oppression, poverty, etc., as they seek justice and economic stability for their families. The plight of migrants is one of the many grave moral concerns facing all humanity at this time. We must raise our awareness and respect for the lives of others, including the unborn, as we all struggle to live in an imperfect world community. Our own parish family consists of many persons and families who came here to seek economic justice, a good education, and to raise their children in a stable and value-based community. I pray that they find such a community among us, and make contributions for the sake of the next generation.

Fr. Andy’s recent activities: On April 3rd I was able to travel home to help celebrate my father’s 80th birthday. More than 40 members of my family, plus two of Dad’s four living siblings, and some family friends gathered for Mass and then a party. Dad and Donna are both doing well for their age in many respects. When I see parishioners who are in their late 70’s and early 80’s I often compare and contrast them with my father and Donna. Some of you are doing well in comparison, and some not so well. Such is lifesmiley.

Peace, Fr. Andy