Today I want to refer to several different items.
First, I am so grateful for the timely and abundant rain we received between June 24-I hope that your plants, flowers, and vegetable gardens have been fortified. I am sure that farmers and those who sell garden products are happy. May we all continue to be aware as God’s creation, that we have been given a responsibility to protect and care for the earth. This is a long-term responsibility, for which every generation has obligations. We must teach our children and grandchildren about the duties each of us has in order to foster a healthy planet Earth which we pass on from one generation to the next.
Next, I always feel a need to remind people that there is no vacation from the Christ-centered life, which includes worship, Sacraments, prayer, and service. If you travel and vacation this summer, do not dismiss the opportunities to find places and communities in which to pray and to offer the gift of your “self.” Furthermore, we are members of an on-going community here at St. Willebrord Parish. Do not “vacation” from the parish. Please maintain your regular parish support, not just when you are physically present, but ALWAYS!
Many of you know that Fr. Jack MacCarthy, our Associate Pastor, went to Peru this past Monday, June 28. He will meet another missionary doctor with whom he will travel from Lima to Iquitos, and from there to the village of Santa Clotilde. It was there that Fr. Jack was the Health Center director for many years. He continues to collaborate with the current director and medical professionals there. Please pray for his safe travels, fruitful meetings, and for success in dealing with Peruvian bureaucracy as he attempts to transfer some real estate to the diocese. We expect Fr. Jack back at work here on the weekend of July 10-11.
July 4th is the 245th anniversary for the U.S.A as an independent nation. As people of faith within this nation, we value the opportunity to “self-determine” the course of the state, this democratic republic. Additionally, as people who profess our faith in the God of Jesus Christ, we do not let the nation/state and its needs to surpass the demands of our Christian obligations. We recognize, in the long tradition of the apostles, that God shows no distinction among persons. We are equally loved. We are equal in God-given dignity. Let these truths intertwine with the best of what these United States of America stand.
Peace, Fr. Andy