Gift of “Self” to Our Parish Family

      Next Sunday is Easter Sunday. We will have around 20 new members of the parish after the Easter Vigil where will baptize, confirm, and invite these neophytes to share in Communion. Their journey and commitment is cause for great celebration. We are very happy that they have brought the gift of their “self” to our parish family!

      During Holy Week we will have several activities and prayer services designed to prepare everyone for the great Solemnity of Easter. Monday we will experience the roots of our own Eucharist by becoming more familiar with the Jewish Seder meal. On Tuesday at the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral, the priests and deacons of the diocese renew their commitments to serve the people, and Bishop Ricken blesses the oils we use for Baptism, Confirmation, and Anointing of the Sick. Wednesday we have the opportunity to admit that our sins damage our relationship to the whole community. And then we have the chance to receive God’s liberating forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

      On Thursday we begin the Triduum – “The Three Days.” On that Thursday we will celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. This will be preceded by a dramatization of the Last Supper by men from our parish. Thursday evening begins the youth Holy Week retreat. On Friday at Noon we will have the proclamation of the Passion of Christ, according to St. John. Then there is adoration of the cross and distribution of Communion. In the evening we have the Living Way of the Cross, acted by members of the parish. This is followed by Communion and Adoration of the Cross.

      Finally, on Holy Saturday we celebrate the Vigil of Easter with the blessing of the new fire. This is a dramatic rite with the contrast of darkness and light. At this Mass we sing the “Gloria” and “Alleluia” for the first time in 40 days. And, as I wrote at the beginning, we receive 20 new Catholics on Holy Saturday night.

      So, in anticipation of the Holy Days ahead including Easter, I wish that all of you may receive and accept the many graces God is bestowing upon us. May each of you take advantage of the Masses, prayers services and activities of Holy Week, Triduum and Easter. I pray that you and your families may find peace and blessing in your faith community.

Peace Fr. Andy