Merry Christmas! EPIPHANY is an inclusive event. When the magi arrived, the visitors from the East, they were welcomed. Mary and Joseph did not withhold their son from them. He was made known to these travelers. They were “included” in the Christmas event. They were witnesses who benefited from knowing that God’s love for all humanity, for all the world, included them!
If our faith in the God of Jesus Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, can do anything for us, may it bring us to greater harmony and unity in our world, in our country, in our community, and in our family. God reveals God’s self to ALL people. We, therefore, must seek unity and peace WITH all people and justice FOR all people. Such peace, unity, and justice is the wonderful and powerful revelation or manifestation of God in the world which we celebrate on Epiphany.
Let us be a force for good. In this new year may we confront every instance of prejudice and racism with powerful examples of welcome and hospitality. Let us see like Jesus saw, like he sees: to Jesus there is no “outsider,” only insiders. God creates, embraces, and includes. We must not let the forces of discrimination and inhospitality to take root in our lives or in the world. Our children desire, and they are learning, that hatred and exclusion of those who are “different” is not acceptable. Unfortunately, as they mature and reach adulthood, often they learn the opposite. They conform to our prejudices.
What happens when our children grow up loving and accepting others whom we have not loved? There may be division and suspicion. But, our children can teach us. Children have always been teachers, not just learners. When we pay attention to the welcome that children give to each other, we see God’s love and purpose for all of us. “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all,” (Mark 10:15). Receiving the other – the stranger, the traveler, the refugee, the immigrant, the minority, the person of a different race or culture than my own – is to receive the kingdom!
May your prayers, thoughts, and meditations on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord bring you deep peace. May you become more aware of the love of God which is revealed and offered to ALL people. May we all become ever better mediators of God’s epiphany by revealing to others the love of God for them, for us! Merry Christmas!
Peace, Fr. Andy