English Faith Formation

2020-2021 General Information

Continuous, sequential year to year, systematic, age-appropriate sessions are offered for children and teens in grade 1 through 11/12 grade; September 2020 through April 2021.

COVID-19 Update- July 2020

We are following Diocesan and CDC guidelines very closely. We yet have to determine whether or not we will have in-person, virtual, or a combination classes. However, we do know that no matter the form in which we will educate we will continue to follow best practices; mask wearing, social distancing, etc.

Please click on the Faith Formation Registration box to register your child/ren. It will prompt you to our online registration form. Please make sure you provide an updated and functioning email address.


2020-2021 Payment Information for Registered Parish Member Families
$60 for one child / $90 for two children / $110 for three or more.
Materials fee for children anticipating celebrating Reconciliation/ Eucharist
or High School Confirmation are additional: $25.00 per child

The registration fees are kept low through the financial generosity and prayerful support shared by the members of the St. Willebrord Community of Faith.

Non-Registered/Non-Member Families may apply and will be considered should openings exist after the 16th of August. Please note registration fees are higher for non-registered parish families and must be paid in full upon acceptance of registration. Payment plans are not available to non-registered parish members.

2020-2021 Payment Information for Non-Registered/Non-Member Families
$85 for one child/ $140 for two children / $175 for three or more
Materials fee for children anticipating celebrating Reconciliation/Eucharist
or High School Confirmation are additional: $50.00 per child


In the Diocese of Green Bay, the immediate preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation traditionally begins after the sophomore year of high school. The decision to participate in the 2 year Confirmation program and celebration here at St. Willebrord Parish is an important decision made by the young person with his/her parents/guardians. Regardless as to where the teen is schooled, the parents/guardians present the teen to the parish and in collaboration/partnership with the St. Willebrord Parish pastoral staff, commit to the 2 year shared preparation responsibilities. Parents/guardians, sponsors, the pastoral staff, and catechists work together to assist and support the process of initiation before, during, and after the 2 year preparation period.


(Confession and Communion)

The Catholic Church recognizes the parents’ role as the primary educators of their children. For Catholic parents, it is both a duty and a privilege to prepare their children for the Sacraments. Regardless as to where the child is schooled, the parents/guardians present the child to the parish and in collaboration/partnership with the pastoral staff of St. Willebrord; commit to the shared preparation responsibilities. The pastoral staff of St. Willebrord provides assistance, materials, and support to the household during the time of preparation and celebration. The reception of the Sacraments takes place within the St. Willebrord parish community with a focus on full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgy, not just for the first time, but for a lifetime.

 To assist families and parish pastoral staff in determining readiness, the Diocese of Green Bay issued the following guidelines in 1997:

Reconciliation (appropriate to the age of the child)

The child knows:

  • God is merciful and forgiving.
  • The difference between an accident, a sin, and a mistake.
  • Sin hurts others as well as oneself
  • We need to be sorry for our sins and desire to do better.
  • Jesus showed us how to forgive sinners.
  • A priest hears our sins in the name of God and grants forgiveness
  • The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available for the confession of sins.
  • We recite an Act of Contrition as a prayer of sorrow for our sins.

Eucharist (appropriate to age of the child)

The child will:

  • Experience praying to God.
  • Serve others as Jesus did.
  • Know the person of Jesus through scripture stories.
  • Know about the sacraments, Baptism, Reconciliation, and Eucharist.
  • Completed preparation for Reconciliation.
  • Know about the Eucharistic celebration of the Mass, as well as actively and regularly participate in Sunday/Holy Day Liturgies.

Preparation for First Reconciliation begins in the fall; First Eucharist prep begins mid-winter.

Sacrament Preparation Materials Fees

For registered parish member families, an additional $25 per child/teen is requested to help offset the extra materials, retreats, and liturgical celebration costs.
For non-registered, non-member families, an additional $50.00 per child/teen is requested to help offset the extra materials, retreats, and liturgical celebration costs.

Baptism and Baptismal Certificate

If your child(ren)/teen(s) was/were baptized here at St. Willebrord Parish, no certificate is necessary. It is helpful if you can indicate the approximate month and year of the baptism on the two-sided program registration form.

If your child(ren)/teen(s) was/were not baptized here at St. Willebrord, please contact the parish of baptism to request a copy of the certificate. You can call, write, or email – provide them with full names of parents/Godparents and approximate month/year. A copy of the certificate will be mailed to you at no charge. Please allow a 3 to 5 week time frame for this process.

Catechists, Assistants, Prayer Checkers,
Hall Monitors, Parking Lot Safety

Our Wednesday evening program would not be possible without the support and involvement of a wide variety of volunteers. parents, grandparents, Godparents, and parishioners-at-large freely sharing of their time, talents, and treasure in the provision of weekly lessons and activities, all designed to support our parish families’ efforts in passing on the faith. If you would like more information about the various volunteer opportunities, as well as the support and materials provided, please contact the office for further conversation. The more caring, committed adult faith-based role models we have – the more children and teens we can include! Please prayerfully consider how you might become involved.

Cancellation of Classes

In case of inclement weather, the Wednesday evening program will operate in accordance of the decisions made by the Green Bay Area Public School District. Every attempt will be made to add notices to the local television and radio stations’ cancellation feeds and broadcasts.. We will also post cancellations and other important information on the Parish’s Facebook page. Click Here to visit the Face Book page — Like Us to receive updates and notifications A two hour start delay will not affect Wednesday evening programming.

Prayers: Parents/Guardians are responsible for teaching traditional and customary prayers at-home; age appropriate resources will be provided upon request: The Sign of the Cross Our Father Hail Mary Glory Be Act of Contrition Apostles’ Creed

Mass Attendance: Regular attendance and active participation in Sunday/Holy Day Masses as the source and summit of our faith as Catholics is vital. There are opportunities for children, teens, and adults to become involved as greeters, ushers, choir members, musicians, servers, Eucharist Ministers, lectors/readers, and more – let’s talk!

Community Involvement: Participation in the life/activities of the parish community connects you and your children/teens with other families and adults who share your belief in Christ and the Church. There are special prayer groups, youth retreats, teens and young adult opportunities, Bible Studies, and many special committees that work together in support of such things as: raffles, socials, Willy’s Jam, Social Concerns, decorating the church, caring for the gardens, St. Vincent de Paul, St. John the Evangelist Homeless Shelter, N.E.W. Community Shelter, Love Life, Eva Misión, the Micah Center and more. Talk with parish staff about options.

Children/Teens Support of the Parish Food Pantry

“Give us this day our daily bread” *** “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” As an on-going Corporal Work of Mercy, (What Are the Corporal Works of Mercy?) we suggest families plan/discuss/shop together and donate one item a month in support of the parish food pantry. A collection basket is set up every Wednesday evening near the registration table.

September: Jelly or Jam in plastic container

October: Pancake Syrup in plastic container

November: Can of your favorite fruit

December: Package of your favorite lunchbox treats

January: Can of your favorite soup

February: Can of Tuna or Chicken

March: Box of your favorite macaroni

April: Box of your favorite crackers