Spring is here! At least that is what the calendar tells us. The snowstorm of a couple of weeks ago made spring seem like winter. But, the snow is gone. Flowers are beginning to push through the ground. Birds have returned from their winter homes in the south and they are singing their happy songs every day. Outdoor sports like baseball, softball, track and field, girls’ soccer, etc. are in the news. Spring is here!
In the church, too, we see signs of a new season. Easter is here! The Easter candle stands tall and bright. Lilies and other spring flowers decorate our worship space. Soon, we will be celebrating many weddings, quince años, First Confessions & First Communions, baptisms, and Confirmation, and blessings of new graduates. Our parish rummage sale and St. Willy’s Jam (a “jam” is when several musicians come together to play music) will soon occur. A new season has arrived.
I hope and pray that our commitments to renewal have not diminished. Many of us made New Year resolutions and also tried to bring about conversion in our life through the disciplines of Lent. Do not let late spring and summer be times of dissipation in these commitments.
Let us double our efforts and make the good changes permanent. Those of you who desired to no longer gossip, do not gossip! Those of you who chose to live more healthily by exercising and through a better diet, just do it! Those of you who committed to stop judging and condemning others, indeed, stop it! Those of you need to forgive family members, forgive them! Those who are waiting for family members to ask forgiveness do not wait! Go to them and forgive them! And whatever other commitments you have made, may you have success in living out those promises.
Peace, Fr. Andy