Jesus Christ is Risen, Alleluia! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia!
As many of you already know, Fr. Jack MacCarthy needed to go to Peru to help manage some challenges which the health center is facing. He left Easter Monday and will return on May 25. Please pray for him and for the people whom the parish and health center serve along the Napo River in the jungle of Peru.
The following is an email of some of his first days in the Amazon River basin in Peru (I did some minor editing to give more clarity to his cryptic message):
Friends, Long, hot day on the river. Le Iquitos at 7:00 a.m. and arrived in Santa Clotilde at 5:00 pm. The Napo River "crecido" (swollen over its banks), lots of floating lumber from downed trees (Can be dangerous for speed boats). Three stops along the way to see the personal of 3 puestos de salud (Health center outposts). Personnel are alert and happy. Lots of maintenance work to do. Went to the 6:00 p.m. Mass. The young Franciscans (Javier, priest in his late 20's is enthusiastic, as is Brother Pedro, in his 40's, and Fray Juan, in his 30's) are telling their Provincial leader that they don't want to leave. Their first year was very difficult for them. Now they are engaged and more confident.
During the week ahead we will see the puestos de salud (Health center outposts) upriver from Santa Clotilde.
Meetings in Iquitos were very profitable and intense. Bishop enthused. New doctors eager to begin! Two medical students from Loyola University in Chicago are here and "dug in" for their rotation in rural medicine.
Tonight I will see what it is like to go to bed early (village is on the equator – 12 hours light, 12 hours dark, very little electricity for lights). It is 81 degrees now. Tomorrow and Sunday forecast is for 87 degrees and thunderstorms and lots of lightening.
Messages from Fr. Jack from Peru are written quickly, without much attention to grammar, syntax, and punctuation. He wants to send us news about what he is doing and experiencing. Quick and easy is the best method.
Let us continue to pray for Fr. Jack in this important ministry. We pray he stays in good health and returns to us ready to be himself – attentive, caring and compassionate.
Peace Fr. Andy