Community Building Event

Jesus Christ is Risen, Alleluia! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia!

Happy Easter! St. Willy Jam, our annual parish picnic and music festival (“jam”), is less than a month away. As many of you know, this has been a prayerful, fun, and entertaining event over the years. A joyful celebration of Mass with music from different traditions marks the beginning of the picnic. The food, games, and musical entertainment follow. After eating tacos, hamburgers, ice cream, churros, etc., and dancing and singing and playing games, we conclude the afternoon with the raffle drawing. As the one charged with drawing the winning tickets, I always notice the excitement of the winners, and the disappointment of those whose tickets were not chosen. The children have such high expectations.

Of course, we want to enjoy each other’s company and we appreciate the many gifts of the parishioners and other entertainers. We have the chance to meet new people and perhaps sample new foods. At the center of it all, community building is one of the primary goals of the annual event. I cannot deny that fund-raising is a goal as well. The food and raffle, in which people find great enjoyment, are keys to our fund-raising success. The funds we raise go toward our parish operations, again, for which the goal is to build up our Catholic Christian parish community. Donations to offset expenses for tents, food, entertainment, supplies, etc. are very welcome. I have heard that we have received some generous donations toward this year’s event. THANK YOU!!

Regarding current events, we congratulate those who received the Sacrament of Confirmation this past Thursday. They have been together for the last two years learning and growing in their faith. They were destined for this celebration since their baptism. We look forward to their on-going growth and involvement in their parish community.

If you have the chance, please see the new trees on the west side, the Adams Street side of the Parish Center. We have two Ivory Silk Lilac trees (a.k.a. Japanese Lilac trees) near to the building and one Snowy Crabapple tree (flowers, but no fruits) nearer to the street. Thanks to parishioner Bill Gerloff for offering us advice and labor.

Jesus is Risen, Alleluia!

Peace, Fr. Andy