Category: From our Pastor:

  • Resistance to Housing Those In Need

    Do you ever think about how many different “schedules” or “calendars” or “seasons” we follow? There are seasons of the year, seasons for flowers and plants, and sports seasons. There are work schedules, rehearsal and practice schedules. There are seasons of the year: spring, and summer, and fall, and winter. There are official dates which…

  • Updates and News

    Some updates and news: Many of you have noticed the big metal containers in the parking lot. They are part of the project of installing new windows in the Rectory. When I arrived here 10 years ago, there were some people on the Parish Council and staff who were recommending that we change the windows.…

  • I Say to Myself… “What if?”

    I often say to myself, and I propose to other people the words: “What if…?” This can be the beginning of some creative thinking and/or conversation. “What if…” is not a critique of the present or past, but rather indicates an awareness that whatever is the current reality, it may present us with the conditions…

  • Mary Had Great Influence

    This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This solemnity helps us to remember the special role that Mary has in the story of our salvation through her son, Jesus the Christ. Mary is a saint. Jesus is Our Savior, the Son of God and the son of Mary.…

  • Covid-19 Results Increasing… Live by The Gospel

    By time you read this article we will know more about how fast COVID-19 cases are increasing in Brown County and Wisconsin. The number of positive tests and hospitalizations have been on the rise. The Delta variant seems to be the prime cause, but the prevalence of non-vaccinated people who are getting infected is also…

  • Dispensation Removed… Come Back

    Bishop David Ricken has removed the dispensation from the Sunday Mass obligation. The obligation will begin again on the weekend of August 14-15, All Catholics, except those to whom he refers in the italicized section below, are to be present and to participate at a Sunday Mass or a Saturday Vigil Mass each weekend. The…

  • Peru… Tired, Confident & Deeply Appreciative

    Another Trip to Peru… Early Monday morning, the 28th of June, 7:30 am, after the second week of “Mission Preaching” here in Green Bay I boarded an airplane for the trip to Lima, Peru. It was a long flight. Two face masks, a plastic face shield like welder uses, full plane all the way. Only…

  • Mass Intention Instruction

    Recently, I have noticed more requests for Mass intentionsfor “the poor souls in purgatory,” at both Masses in English and Spanish. I wouldlike to clarify the church’s teaching on the purpose of the celebration of Mass andwhy a particular intention for “the poor souls” is not necessary. Each Mass includessuch an intention every time we…

  • 10 Years… Great Gift to Me

    I wish to express my deep gratitude to the parish family of St. Willebrord for collaborating with me, and allowing me to collaborate with you all for the last 10 years. Together we have served the spiritual, pastoral, and physical needs of many people. Our parish serves with “open hearts” all of her members and…

  • God Shows No Distinction

    Today I want to refer to several different items. First, I am so grateful for the timely and abundant rain we received between June 24-I hope that your plants, flowers, and vegetable gardens have been fortified. I am sure that farmers and those who sell garden products are happy. May we all continue to be…