Category: From our Pastor:

  • Growing Tension and Excitement

    At the end of a competition in which the result is not clear, there is a growing tension and excitement. It is “crunch time.” Even when the outcome is clear, there are deep emotions of joy, or disappointment. A game, or a life, or a process, or a season, or an academic course, or a…

  • Forgiveness leads to change

       I have preached recently about the God whom Jesus reveals to us. The Gospel texts of the third and fourth Sundays of Lent (Cycle C) tell us of Jesus as he preaches that God is not a chastising and punitive God, but clearly a forgiving God. God does not take away life according to…

  • God desires peace. We must desire it, too!

    At the time I write this article, the tragic war between Ukraine and Russian continues. It is not simply a war between soldiers. Civilians in Ukraine have been targeted. The human cost is very high. Even the Russian people feel a great burden. They have little to say about the decisions and actions of President…

  • We Pray Through Our Music

    The ministry of music at our parish was on display at our three-part Lent retreat at the beginning of March. Members of choirs and musicians from different music groups collaborated and enriched our experience. Music and singing is like praying twice, said St. Augustine. We pray through our music. Our organ was recently repaired (cost…

  • We Give Respect and Expect to Receive it

    The ministry of hospitality is a natural ministry for our downtown parish family. Our motto, “Open Doors, Open Hearts,” is an indication of our attitude and approach to those people who seek a spiritual home at St. Willebrord Parish. The founding families from the Dutch immigrant community in Green Bay laid the foundation for the…

  • Lenten Retreat – Thank you!

          Our St. Willebrord Parish, Lenten, family retreat was a success! Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, March 6-8, we had presentations, music, prayer, questions and answers, sharing of food and formation of new friendships. Fr. Phil Schoofs gave us some very useful talks to help us with Scriptural language about some of the most important parts…

  • A Testament of Injustice

    By time you read this some of you will be getting ready to participate in the retreat later on Sunday afternoon, at 2:00 p.m., and/or on Monday or Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in our worship space. As I told the congregations at Masses last weekend, in order that Lent might be rich and fruitful, we…

  • We Pray For Peace NOW and ALWAYS!

    By time you read this some of you will be getting ready to participate in the retreat later on Sunday afternoon, at 2:00 p.m., and/or on Monday or Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in our worship space. As I told the congregations at Masses last weekend, in order that Lent might be rich and fruitful, we…

  • Start Lent With Energy & Focus

    Beginning on Sunday, March 6, and continuing for two more days (March 7 & 8), we will have three days of parish retreat in the church. Sunday at 2:00 p.m., and Monday and Tuesday at 6:00 p.m., Fr. Phil Schoofs will present themes for our spiritual reflection and conversion (see the announcement in this bulletin…

  • Recognize How We Are Involved In Social Sins

    The annual Bishop’s Appeal, the theme for which is “Hearts Full of Hope,” began last weekend. Throughout the Diocese of Green Bay, parishes focused upon our unified hope and expectation that we all would continue to support the ministries of the diocese. The funds raised will support adoption services, ministry training for parishes, education programs,…