Category: From our Pastor:

  • How will this man/woman lovingly serve God’s people?

    HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!Last Saturday Fr. Johnathan Turba, O. Praem., was ordained to the priesthood at St. Norbert Abbey. Many of you remember Johnathan who ministered here a few years ago. He helped in our program of Faith Formation, with our youth, and the ministry of music. One of my favorite memories of Johnathan during that…

  • The Power of Reconciliation and Peace

    Last Sunday, Pentecost, concluded the Easter season. The 50 days ended when we celebrated the gift of the Holy Spirit who continues to animate the People of God, the Church. Pentecost was something special, and the presence of the Holy Spirit in the world, in us, IS still special today! As we celebrate our parish…

  • The Presence of the God-man on Earth

    Jesus Christ is Risen, Alleluia! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia! Happy Easter! I would like to repeat a couple of things that I wrote after the tragic killing of students and teachers in Texas on May 24th. Firstly I wrote, “I pray that God may be with the people of Uvalde, Texas, and all those…

  • The Sanctuary Society

    Jesus Christ is Risen, Alleluia! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia! Happy Easter! This past week there was a gathering of about 25 people as part of the St. Willebrord Parish Sanctuary Society annual luncheon. The luncheon is an event that the society has organized for many years. The group organizes the meal as an act…

  • God Is There! Period!

         May God be with the people of Uvalde, Texas, and all those who have been traumatized again by a senseless shooting. In fact, God is there! God is in the shared compassion between people, in the loving comfort offered to the grieving, and in the hope for a better world.     If we start trying…

  • Community Building Event

    Jesus Christ is Risen, Alleluia! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia! Happy Easter! St. Willy Jam, our annual parish picnic and music festival (“jam”), is less than a month away. As many of you know, this has been a prayerful, fun, and entertaining event over the years. A joyful celebration of Mass with music from different…

  • Show Love and Respect for ALL Life

    Jesus Christ is Risen, Alleluia! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia! Happy Easter! The 1973 Supreme Court decision known as “Roe vs. Wade,” is on the brink of being overturned. That was the decision that legalized abortion in the United States. The draft of a forthcoming decision has been verified, but is not final. While anti-abortion…

  • Enamored by riches, money, wealth!

    Jesus Christ is Risen, Alleluia! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia! Happy Easter! I am concerned that even Christians have become enamored by riches, by money, wealth, and the power which the world promotes. For the most part, our parish families are not “the rich” and never will be considered rich in monetary terms. Still, we…

  • We Need More Courage and Love

    Jesus Christ is Risen, Alleluia! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia! Message from Fr. Andy: Happy Easter! As followers of Christ, our response to and use of “Resurrection Energy” (RE) is necessary to face the challenges of our day. RE is a transforming power. When Jesus rose from the dead, everything in the world changed. Living…

  • Easter – Sacraments of Initiation

    Jesus Christ is Risen, Alleluia! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia! Happy Easter! One of the great joys of Easter is celebrating the Sacraments of Initiation with “the Elect” and welcoming others into full communion in the Catholic Church through the Profession of Faith and the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. This year we had five…