Category: From our Pastor:

  • Putting their Heart into their Work

          I mentioned that the Norbertine sisters at Toro, Spain, sew and repair clothing as a means to earn money for their support. In fact, their workshop is arranged with various types of sewing machines and other tools for clothing repair and sewing. There was a time in the past when the sisters…

  • Meeting Great New People, the Other Side of the World

         My travels in Spain and Germany were very fruitful. I learned much Norbertine history, saw remarkable works of art and architecture, and met very nice people. Among the people I met were the sisters of Santa Sofia Convent. These Norbertine sisters form the only remaining Norbertine community in Spain. At one time there were 47 abbeys and…

  • Serve with a Purpose

             This weekend I return from my vacation and work trip to Spain and Germany. Ask me. I am sure that I will have a good story or two to share. I hope to have some good photos as well.          As I write this article a few days before I depart…

  • The Ministry of Catechists

    Last week we recognized our catechists, commissioned them for ministry, and prayed for them and all the children and adults who come to them to learn. I am truly grateful to these leaders, teachers, and guides. Our staff members – Alma Vazquez, Br. Jacob Sircy, Susan Perrault and Lupita Dorado  – have been planning and organizing…

  • Don’t Let Technology Take Over Our Lives

    I continue to have conversations and read about parents who are struggling to be aware and knowledgeable about the use of technology and social media. There are no easy solutions. Parents and adults must look for information and learn about computers, phones, and their potential for good and evil. Young people are growing up today with computers…

  • Patriotism and God’s Commandment

    From the Pastor: Patriotism. What is this as a value in the midst of our Christian faith? Ultimately, patriotism is rooted in love of country, one’s native land, and the family of citizens. The best of patriotism can find its roots in God’s commandment to love – God, self, and neighbor. Singing the national anthem of the United States, showing respect to…

  • Fr. Andy in Spain

    On Monday, September 12, I will begin some vacation travel that will include celebrating and discovering Norbertine history in Spain. At the conclusion of my vacation, in the last week of September, I will participate in the meeting of the Norbertine Order Committee for the revision of our Order Constitutions in Bavaria, Germany. Specifically, we are meeting…

  • Fears Do Not Hold Us Prisoner

    From the Pastor: We are born with only two fears – fear of falling and fear of loud noises. All other fears are learned. I cited this fact in a recent homily about the Gospel which began: “Do not be afraid any longer, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom,”…

  • Observe and Learn from Our Children

    Children are getting ready to go back to school in a few weeks. I hope their summer break has been relaxing.          Some children are becoming anxious about returning to school. Parents need to be attentive to their children’s attitudes. Anxiety could indicate a concern with other children in the school, perhaps a lost friendship, or…

  • The Summer Olympics

    Last weekend the Summer Olympic Games began in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Athletes from around the world have arrived and are competing in many different team and individual sports. Each athlete hopes to win, but more than that, they hope to show an Olympic spirit, to demonstrate good sportsmanship, and to do the best they can.…