Category: From our Pastor:
A Welcoming Parish
New music coordinator: Pam Quick has joined our parish team as coordinator of music for our Masses in English and our Bilingual Masses. Pam comes to us having worked at other local parishes as well as with a beautiful voice and with training and love for the organ. WELCOME PAM! Hearing Loop…
Honesty, a Fundamental Value
“Repent, and believe in the Gospel!” With great frequency public officials, reporters, and even the President of the United States have been accused of lying. Let us not forget, honesty is still a fundamental value in the Catholic Church and in society as a whole. “Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.”…
Protect Human Freedom
“Repent, and believe in the Gospel!” There are Catholics who think church leaders do not give a fair hearing to capitalism. As one who listens to church leaders, I disagree. In the encyclical Centisimus Annus (1991), no. 42, St. Pope John Paul II wrote the following about whether capitalism can be a…
Angers and Frustrations
Repent, and believe in the Gospel! Another shooting at a schoolresults in students and teachers killed and wounded. May God have mercy on US! In the “culture of God” where God’s values are lived, people look for solutions to such acts of violence. Participants in God’s culture evaluate the damage done to…
Tradition of Liberty and Justice
Repent, and believe in the Gospel! The law said: “You are a slave. You have no rights here.” “You are a member of a Native American tribe. You must live on the reservation.” “Your ancestors came from Japan. You must live in this camp.” “You are a woman. You cannot vote.” “You are…
Beginning Lent
This week we will begin the season of Lent. Look for special schedules and Lenten activities. We invite you to “Repent, and believe in the Gospel,” just as Jesus invites. Additionally, we invite you to add your stone to the area near the Lenten cross. The stone is a representation of the burdens…
Respect Life
RESPECT LIFE! Faith-based claims that we are “pro-life” cannot be made at the same time we demean or condemn other human beings, i.e. God’s creatures. At the root of “respect life” movements there must be respect for all God’s creation. Love does not condemn or exclude. We cannot make scapegoats from those…
Mission Statement
St. Willebrord Parish Mission Statement: Proclaiming the Word of God and service to all persons is the heart of the mission of St. Willebrord Parish. With our efforts, we hope to develop the faith and activity of our own membership, to witness to and foster the message of Jesus to all who…
Really, Not A Sin???
This is the second consecutive article that I am starting with reference to the harsh nature of winter. This time I must mention the “cold and flu season.” As we move through a season in which medical professionals are mentioning the severe nature of this year’s flu, let us all be careful…
Winter Time
The cold and dark of winter in northeast Wisconsin is bearing down on us in these early weeks of January. We have already endured the shorter dark days of November and December. The final weeks of December and these early weeks of January have been particularly hard because of the snow and…