Category: From our Pastor:
Seeking Freedom
Over the last several weeks I have been able to visit my father, step-mother, and all 10 of my siblings. Additionally, I saw 16 of my 22 nieces and nephews, and 4 of the 5 great-nieces and nephews. All of my siblings live in Wisconsin extending from Green Bay to Oshkosh, Milwaukee to…
Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day to all fathers! May your special day be full of expressions of love and gratitude from your family and loved ones. And, may you never forget and always remember: you are a beloved son of God – worthy, unique and protected! Of course, we also offer our congratulations and best…
Baptisms, Confirmations, First Communions
Baptisms, Confirmations, First Communions…for the last month we have been celebrating the Sacraments of Initiation among the members of our parish. From infants to children to adolescents to adults…all have received the Sacraments with joy. And, the community of St. Willebrord prayed for them, welcomed them, and celebrated with them with enthusiasm. …
Mother’s Day Commercialized
Happy Easter! Alleluia, Jesus Christ has risen! Alleluia! This Sunday, the second Sunday of May, we celebrate Mother’s Day (In Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador, Mother’s Day is always the 10th of May). It is a day for each family to celebrate their mother and honor her life. While the day is not an official religious…
GRACE Schools
Happy Easter! Alleluia, Jesus Christ has risen! Alleluia! Over 100 students whose families claim to be members of St. Willebrord Parish are now attending several of the schools in the Green Bay Area Catholic Education system (GRACE). The number of students from our parish has been rising annually. St. Thomas More School enrolls the highest…
Honesty, morality, and integrity
Happy Easter! Alleluia, Jesus Christ has risen! Alleluia! Honesty, morality, and integrity are all values and principals by which we are to live our Christian lives. These same values and principles are arguably at the foundation of humanist philosophy by which even atheists seek to live their lives. We are not asking something extraordinary of…
April Awareness Month
Happy Easter! Alleluia, Jesus Christ has risen! Alleluia! April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month. We are invited to be aware of the problems and the crimes associated with sexual assault and child abuse. And, let us also think positively. How are we going to show even greater respect for the…
Grateful for Volunteers
Happy Easter! Alleluia, Jesus Christ has risen! Alleluia! Many of our volunteers were able to be present at the Appreciation Dinner this past Friday. Let me repeat the sentiment of that evening: THANK YOU! We are truly grateful! Of course, the Parish Pastoral Council initiates that event as a…
Happy Easter! Alleluia, Jesus Christ has risen! Alleluia! “…the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jewish authorities…” (John 20:19). “Fear” continues to rule the disciples. They had not yet encountered the Risen Lord. They thought that they were such a threat to the Jewish and Roman authorities that…
Happy Easter
Happy Easter! Alleluia, Jesus Christ has risen! Alleluia! Jesus died on the cross, but then he rose from the dead. WOW! God came to earth as Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah. He lived among the people while he loved them, taught them, healed them, forgave them, and enlightened them. He revealed God to the…