Category: From our Pastor:
Time For Rejoicing and Giving Thanks!
Be careful! Do not let the enthusiasm and energy of the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ to diminish! The Easter Season is our 50-day opportunity, after 40+ days of Lenten discipline. The newly initiated (14 persons) and those received into full communion in the Catholic Church (3 persons), are watching the rest of us.…
Profoundly Sad & Deeply Preoccupied
Happy Easter! And, to those who have a devotion to Jesus as The Divine Mercy, may these days of devotion and prayer help you to be aware of God’s grace and mercy! As I write these words, nearly ten days before you read them, I need you to know that I am profoundly sad and…
Experience the Resurrection
Happy Easter! I pray that you experience the Resurrection ofChrist, not as something outside of you, but something that is apart of your life, something that you know and treasure. What is this resurrection to NEW LIFE like? What does new life feel like? What does it look like? What does it sound like? In…
Be Affected, Changed & Transformed
On Palm Sunday weekend we remember with PURPOSE. The purpose is to be affected, changed, and transformed by the events of Jesus’s whole life, including the final days of earthly life. Every character in the Passion Story is a potential representative of us. The apostles, the colt/donkey owner, the family in whose house Jesus and…
Burden Of This Last Year
Allow me to make some observations of our parish family since the beginning of the pandemic a year ago. The generosity which our parish has demonstrated, whenever we have been asked, has been a tremendous blessing for so many others. When we asked for help for those who experienced immediate hardship because of the pandemic…
God’s kingdom on earth!
Throughout the newness and disruption of our routines, there is at least one truth upon which we can rely: the love of God and the gift of God’s grace in order to love others, even our enemies. We will continue to need to cooperate, collaborate and work as a team for the sake of the…
Personal failure vs. Sin
Last weekend we “sent” 17 adults and children to St. Francis Xavier Cathedral to the Rite of Election with Bp. David Ricken presiding. Fourteen (14) of them will receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil, April 3rd. Three (3) of them will be confirmed and receive First Eucharist. These 17…
Barriers To Peace & Unity
As we begin the season of Lent with the new experience of the ashes sprinkled on our heads instead of a cross marked on our foreheads, let us prepare for something NEW! Conversion, change, turn around, renewal, transformation, etc., for Christians, means that we desire to become better examples of Christ. God’s invitation in Jesus…
Zero Tolerance of FGM!
Many of you know the phrase: “Think globally, act locally!” Its origin comes from Scotland in the early 1900’s. Regardless of its origin, I have always heard that phrase as a challenge to be aware of the connection between local decisions and global realities. “Relatedness,” “Connection,” “Mutuality,” and other terms that indicate human and environmental…
Time to Reflect
The 900th anniversary of the beginning the Norbertine Order will be a theme upon which I reflect more than a few times over the next year. Remembering the founding principles, the historical context, the persons and personalities, as well as the details of Norbertine history and events over the nine centuries will all be material…