Category: From our Pastor:
Judgment & Condemnation – Will Not Help
Happy Easter! Jesus Christ is Risen, Alleluia! He is risen, indeed, Alleluia! Once again, I am asking you to focus on the neophytes and the new Catholics – Jesus, Bryan, Erik, Arianna, Jasmine and Cindy. They have been special to us and continue to be. If you did not get a chance to congratulate them…
Carry The Blessed Palms With Dignity and Reverence
Our Lent experience has led us to this week – “Holy Week.” This week is so named, not because there is more grace or blessing available, but rather because we are invited to participate in the events that have already made us holy. Jesus spent most of his days among the simple people. They found…
Women & Men From the Streets
Ministry at St. Willebrord – I have received several questions about the women and men from the streets who come to our parish to find rest, access to bathrooms, and safety in our buildings. I have heard many affirmations for the hospitality we offer. These persons come to us from local homeless shelters and the…
Solemnity of St. Joseph
St. Joseph, pray for us! March 19th is the Solemnity of St. Joseph. Because the 19th falls on a Sunday in Lent, it is transferred to Monday, March 20 this year. Please remember, we have Masses at 7:15 a.m. and 12:05 p.m. on Monday. Perhaps, you and/or your family can participate at Mass that day.…
“Keep it positive!”
“Keep it positive!” That is an invitation I have seen posted in various places during my lifetime. Staying positive, looking for the positive, speaking positively, etc. are all included in the “keep it positive” statement. Recently, I did an on-line search for “positive news.” I found a number of websites and even a news outlet…
What can we do for our teens?
Every day there is news about the continued illicit drug problem in the world. We must confront the issue from the side of those who produce and sell such drugs, as well as to address the causes for the demand to use them. I am particularly concerned about teenagers and young adults. We love them,…
Lenten Traditions
Making sacrifices, doing penances, and giving up what we like, etc. are all part of our Lenten traditions. Such actions help us to stay focused, or to BE focused, on our holiness, and to move beyond our sinfulness and weakness. Doing extra charity work, or making commitments to become better at the good things we…
Update on the church ceiling
Update on the church ceiling, etc.: The past couple of months we have had plaster repair company representatives investigate our ceiling issues. We have received an incomplete proposal and await another estimate. Two other companies said they cannot do it. We are hoping that some experts from Milwaukee and/or Chicago may come to give us…
Black History Month
February is Black History Month. It offers us a focused period to learn, read about, and appreciate the significant history and contributions of Black Americans to this country. Historically, the history of African-Americans did not receive much attention in history books and elsewhere. Our country has a long history which includes Black persons and that…
Annual Bishop’s Appeal
This weekend initiates the Annual Bishop’s Appeal, the theme of which is “Sharing the Light of Christ.” The funds raised will be used to support diocesan ministries such as Catholic Charities outreach to families, couples, children, and to those enduring the consequences of poverty. Those struggling with addiction, mental health issues and financial health do…