This week we will begin the season of Lent. Look for special schedules and Lenten activities. We invite you to “Repent, and believe in the Gospel,” just as Jesus invites. Additionally, we invite you to add your stone to the area near the Lenten cross. The stone is a representation of the burdens you wish to let go, or the sacrifices you wish to make, or the charitable commitments you wish to share with the community. Add your stone to the pile.
UPDATE: Please pass the word that St. Willebrord Parish has installed “hearing loop” technology. You will see signs with ears on them, some of which read, “Hearing Loop.” The signs indicate that our parish seeks to be hospitable to those whose hearing is diminished.
Those people who have hearing aids with a “T-coil,” or a “T” position on their hearing aid can use that feature in order to receive the spoken or sung word through their hearing aid. Additionally, for those without hearing aids but for whom hearing is difficult, we have some headsets which can be utilized. These headsets receive the spoken word and have a volume adjustment. The sound is very clear. Come to the Sacristy and ask for one.
The sound system upgrade was necessitated by outdated and irreparable equipment, radio interference, bad connections, and overall lack of adjustability. Priests, lectors, commentators, and musicians struggled at times to make the old equipment function correctly. At times the priest’s microphone would stop working or create loud static and made it very difficult for the congregation to hear. In the sanctuary the speakers had stopped working. Sometimes we received radio signals and signals from other wireless microphones in the local area. The person who custom built our previous system retired which made repairs very difficult.
Musicians, too, needed significant time to set their microphone and instrument levels. They often felt the need to bring their own amplification equipment. The new system accommodates their instruments at the volume that works well in our church space. Additionally, with the new system these volume levels can be preset and saved for the groups’ instruments and voices.
The new sound system will hopefully interface well with our piano and organ. The organ, too, has undergone some recent repairs which make it more functional. Still, there are a few repairs and upgrades that will make the organ function better. Our organists await the day!
Peace, Fr. Andy