Author: Ashley
Celebrations and Thanks
Once again we are approaching a very rich and busy time in our parishcommunity. We have many wonderful celebrations and events. This weekend we welcome back Fr. Jack MacCarthy and Deacon Luis Sanchez from Peru. Some of you did not know they were gone! Fr. Jack had some tasks to complete and meetings to attend,…
Somos Parte de Una Familia
one by One (uno por Uno), Dios nos crea, nos ama, nos llama y nos da dones y talentos para servir a los demás. Dios nos está invitando ahora a usar nuestro amor y nuestros dones para un bien mayor. Es hora de que tomemos algunos pasos activos para hacer crecer el Cuerpo de Cristo.…
We Are Part of a Family
one by One, God creates us, loves us, calls us, and gives us gifts and talents to serve others. God is inviting us now to use our love and gifts for a greater good. It is time for us to take some bold steps in order to grow the Body of Christ. The Church is…
Recaudando Fondos para Ayudar al Pueblo de Dios
Mensaje de nuestro Párroco: Muchos feligreses ya han recibido invitaciones a recepciones y reuniones sobre una campaña de recaudación de fondos iniciada por la Diócesis de Green Bay. Como parroquia en la Diócesis de Green Bay, ¡estamos involucrados! La campaña “uno por Uno” (la “u” minúscula esta correcta) es una campaña que ayudará a la…
Fund-Raising to Help the People of God
Many parishioners have already received invitations to receptions and meetings about a fund-raising campaign initiated by the Diocese of Green Bay. As a parish in the Diocese, we are involved! The “one by One” Campaign (small “o” is correct), is a campaign that will help the Diocese and the parish to serve the People of…