Author: Ashley
Get Involved & Be Present
Last weekend, June 6-7, I had two opportunities to get involved and be present at rallies, i.e. “protests,” for racial justice, and against police and societal violence and racism. I watched peaceful young people speak on Saturday, June 6, in front of the police station. A high school student, a teacher from Milwaukee who was…
Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad
La temporada de Pascua ha llegado a su fin, pero la verdad de lo que celebramos durante la Pascua continúa: Jesucristo ha resucitado, ¡Aleluya! ¡En verdad resucitó, Aleluya! Ruego que permanezcamos enfocados en la energía de la resurrección, en la nueva vida que viene por medio del Jesús resucitado y el don del Espíritu Santo.…
Solemnity of the Holy Trinity
The Easter season has come to an end, but the truthof what we celebrate during Easter continues: Jesus Christ is Risen, Alleluia! He is risen indeed, Alleluia! I pray that we will remain focused on the energy of the resurrection,on the new life that comes through the Resurrected Jesus and the gift ofthe Holy Spirit.…
Recordemos a los que Padecen Enfermedades Crónicas
La preocupación por el nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) que amenaza la salud de las personas en todo el mundo me ha hecho pensar más en las personas que viven con enfermedades crónicas y duraderas. ¡Invito a todos a orar y prestar atención a aquellas personas que enfrentan enfermedades y discapacidades CADA DÍA! por mucho tiempo. Nuestros…
Remember Those Who Are Chronically Ill
The concerns with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) which threatens the health of people throughout the world has made me think more of people who are living with chronic and enduring illnesses. I invite everyone to pray for and pay attention to those people who face illness and disability EVERY DAY! for a long time. …
Restrictions on Non-Essential Gatherings for 50 or more:
UPDATED MARCH 18, 2020 1:24 P.M. (CST) Per CDC guidelines, we are recommending the suspension of all non-essential gatherings for 50 people (federal government is recommending 10 people) or more indefinitely, to be reviewed mid-April. All non-essential events below the 50-person threshold should be suspended at the discretion of the pastor/pastoral leader. Per the CDC…