Author: Ashley

  • Oren Sin Cesar

    San Pablo dice “… oren sin cesar…” (Véa 1Tes 5:16-18). La oración incesante parece una petición exigente, pero es algo que la comunidad de fe puede lograr juntos. Somos una de las pocas parroquias de la diócesis que ofrece la Eucaristía dos veces al día, y tres veces los jueves y primeros viernes del mes.…

  • Pray Without Ceasing

    St. Paul says to “…pray without ceasing…” (See 1Thess 5:16-18). Ceaseless prayer seems like a demanding request, but it is one which the faith community as a whole can do. We are one of only a few parishes in the diocese which offers the Eucharist two times a day, and three times on all Thursdays,…

  • Determinando que Sacerdote Dara la Misa

    Si alguna vez se han preguntado cómo determinamos qué sacerdote celebrara la misa en un fin de semana, puedo decirles que hay muchos factores. Primero, como Pastor, trato de celebrar todas las Misas al menos una vez cada una durante un período de dos semanas. Un fin de semana celebro cuatro de las Misas que…

  • Determine Mass Presiders

    If you ever wondered how we determine which priest will preside at Mass on a weekend, I can tell you there are many factors. First, as Pastor, I try to celebrate all Masses over a two-week period. On one weekend I will preside at four of the Masses we offer. Then, the next weekend I…

  • Pan o Vino? Los Dos?

    He recibido unas preguntas sobre la eucaristía y la santa comunión durante el tiempo de COVID-19. Les presento una de las preguntas: ¿Se recibe a Cristo entero si se recibe la Santa Comunión bajo una sola especie. i.e. o el pan o el vino, pero no los dos? Sí. Cristo Jesús, nuestro Señor y Salvador,…

  • Bread or Wine? Both?

    I have received a few questions about the Eucharist and Holy Communion in this time of COVID-19. Here is one of those questions: Does one receive the whole Christ if one receives Holy Communion under a single form, i.e. either the bread or the wine, but not both? Yes. Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior,…

  • How do you know God was present?

    Can you remember a difficult or sad experience in your life? Where was God in that time? How was God present? How do you know God was present? As you think about it your memory becomes clearer. You can imagine the light, the sound, and even the odor of the experience. Everything you remember can…