Author: Ashley
New Traditions in Difficult Times
The parish staff, Parish Council, Finance Council, and various parishioners are thinking creatively about how best to serve our parish community. This year’s holy days will require behavior changes in all of us. We are considering some new ways to celebrate our faith. We will need to limit how many people can be in the…
Es Jesús Su Ejemplo Principal?
Si Jesús es nuestro ejemplo, ¿por qué hay tanta división e incluso odio entre aquellos que se dicen ser Cristianos? Tal vez, Jesús no es el modelo principal para aquellos de nosotros que estamos pensando y experimentando sentimientos tan duros en contra de nuestro “vecino” o “hermana/hermano”. Cuando éramos niños solíamos ponernos disfraces o crear…
Is Jesus Your Primary Model?
If Jesus is our model, then why is there so much division and even hatred among those who call themselves Christian? Perhaps, Jesus is not the primary model for those of us who are thinking and feeling so harshly towards our “neighbor” or “sister/brother.” When we were kids we used to put on costumes or…
Recuerdos de Otoño
El otoño trae tantos recuerdos e imágenes de eventos pasados, lugares y personas. Los colores de los árboles y plantas, los olores y fragancias de esta temporada única, y el juego de la luz y la oscuridad estimulan memorias del pasado. Sé que si me ven hoy, no parece que yo era un buen atleta…
Autumn Memories
Autumn brings so many memories and images of past events, places, and people. The colors of the trees and plants, the smells and fragrances of this unique season, and the play of light and darkness are stimulants for remembering. I know that when you see me today, you may not realize that I was quite…
Perdón, Reconciliación y Misericordia
Debido a que los aniversarios de 900 años no pasan a menudo, me gustaría decir un poco más sobre la Orden Norbertina. Después de que Norberto y sus primeros compañeros establecieron la primer comunidad de cánones regulares (sacerdotes que siguen una regla de vida) en Premontre, Francia, Norberto continuó su predicación. Viajó por Europa actual…
Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Mercy
Because 900 year anniversaries do not come around often, I would like to say some more about the Norbertine Order. After Norbert and his early companions established the first community of canons regular (priests who follow a rule of life) at Premontre, France, Norbert continued his preaching. He travelled around current-day Europe inviting clergy to…