A Healthy Distraction

This past spring and summer I took more time to pay attention to the plants
and flowers on the parish property. Because of COVID-19 and the emphasis on disease, quarantine, isolation, etc., I found the plants to be a healthy distraction.

A couple of parishioners responded to my request to find some climbing rose bushes for the arch that leads to the meditation garden and grotto between the rectory and parish center. The bushes got a good start and then the rabbits found them! They ate the lower leaves off one of the new bushes
and it took several weeks before that bush recovered. We have since protected the bushes with a fence, and trapped some rabbits in a live trap. We take the rabbits either to the Bay Beach Wildlife area or to a local park
near the Fox River. Wanting to trap the rabbits, we also caught several possums, a big raccoon, and several squirrels. All were released to the wild. The rabbits have been relentless as we have caught one as recently as last week. The rabbits have been too comfortable here the last few years. In the winter they have caused damaged to some of the other bushes. There are better places for the rabbits than our garden area. We will help them find those places!

One of my projects this summer was to determine why some of our hydrangeas were not producing flowers. I discovered that we had been pruning them too short. Their flowers (big leaf hydrangeas) bloom on “old
wood,” or last year’s growth. If cut too short, the start of next year’s flower is removed. Now the challenge will be to help them survive the winter cold and snow. I hope that the Annabelle hydrangeas on the other side of the walkway share their annual good fortune. They produce on new growth each year, in abundance.

Geraniums are still producing flowers, even with the cold nights. Their leaves have become a deep forest green. Also, we moved the hibiscus trees inside that were near the front doors of the rectory and church. They, too, continue to flower.

Through all difficulties, sufferings, and storms; through pruning, rain, snow, and wind; through all of the challenges with which the world confronts us, may we be faithful to our Lord, Jesus the Christ, alive in the
Holy Spirit, beloved by the Father. Amen!

Peace, Fr. Andy