Preparation for 1st Reconciliation is part of the Faith Formation Program. The focus of this program is rooted in family and parish life. Classroom experiences have ongoing, developmental education, but the family and parish have the basic responsibility of teaching the children through their example of Christian living and through opportunities offered at the parish.
Lent is the most appropriate time to strengthen practices and prepare for the Sacrament of Penance. The emphasis is on those celebrating for the 1st time. By the time students are in the 2nd grade of Faith Formation classes, they are ready to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is the hope of our parish that all children shall have received the Sacrament before they receive their 1st Communion at approximately the age of 8 which is usually by the end of second or third grade. Youth older than 8 years of age are required to attend at least two years of preparation for both the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion. When the youth show ample knowledge of the Sacraments they are invited to participate in receiving those Sacraments. A Retreat is held in early February which includes an opportunity for the children to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. The Sacrament is again offered at the Parish Penance Service during Holy Week and the Saturday before they receive their 1st Communion.