Our Lent experience has led us to this week – “Holy Week.” This week is so named, not because there is more grace or blessing available, but rather because we are invited to participate in the events that have already made us holy.
Jesus spent most of his days among the simple people. They found him fascinating and his message attracted them and made them happy. They loved to see lepers healed, the deaf given hearing, the blind given sight, the lame the ability to walk, those who were paralyzed to move again, and to HEAR of the Good News of God’s desire for the salvation of all.
The common people of the time admired Jesus willingness to touch the sick, to speak to the elderly, to welcome outsiders like the Samaritans, and his inclusion of women in his group of disciples. Above all, the people experienced awe at Jesus’s freedom to forgive sins, to reach out to sinners, to overlook the past and invite people to a new future like the woman caught in adultery whom some wanted to stone. Jesus told her to go and not to sin anymore. What a liberation!
Passion Sunday or Palm Sunday invites us to “enter” the last days with Jesus. We are welcomed to his side as he confronts the situation in Jerusalem. Jesus finds poor leadership and a lack of focus on what he has been telling the people that matters most – the forgiveness and mercy of God! God has made it possible to heal, to reconcile and to move beyond the past.
The enlightenment and education we have received must be put to good use for the good of all. The poor and simple people, those who are often shown or told that they are not worthy of God’s grace and love, must be hear of the goodness and love of God.
May these holy days before Easter bring us comfort, healing, illumination, freedom, and most of all, forgiveness. May you hold and carry the blessed palms with dignity and reverence as a reminder of the great events of Jesus’s life.
Peace, Fr. Andy