This weekend initiates the Annual Bishop’s Appeal, the theme of which is “Sharing the Light of Christ.” The funds raised will be used to support diocesan ministries such as Catholic Charities outreach to families, couples, children, and to those enduring the consequences of poverty. Those struggling with addiction, mental health issues and financial health do well to turn to Catholic Charities. Additionally, the appeal will assist parishes and schools to help catechists, teachers, and students as they study the Catholic faith and put it into practice. Marriage preparation programs, as well as clergy and parish leadership development, training and forming deacons, parish directors and lay ministers are all made possible by funding from the Bishop’s Appeal.
Sharing the light of Christ is the goal of the diocese in every respect, all of the time! “Sharing the light of Christ” also works well as a theme this year and any other year it might be chosen. We are all invited to let our light shine, not put it under a bushel basket or under the bed. We must let is shine as far and wide as possible over as many people and parts of the world as possible.
The Gospel this weekend is a reminder that we are all lights for the world in as much as we let our goodness, grace, blessings, talents, and love to extend to all people. We must not hide our “light” from the world neither in general, nor from particular persons. We must not share our light with some and withhold it from others. We cannot love our friends and hate our enemies. We must love our enemies and pray for them, (Matt 5:44).
Such Gospel work is not for the weak and afraid. We are called and gifted to be strong and courageous by the grace of God. Through programs and initiatives funded by the Bishop’s Appeal we can demonstrate the brilliance of our communal light. By adding “my gift” to “your gift,” then “our gift” is placed high on a lampstand from which all can benefit. Our gifts to this campaign are highly effective as 91-93% of the money raised goes directly to programing. This means the cost to reach the goal of the appeal is between 7-9%. As fund-raising efficiency is measured, we can be confident that our gift will be used as intended for this very efficient campaign.
Last year St. Willebrord Parish donated $34,827.00 from 217 identified donors. While our goal is just over $20,400 this year, I think we can surpass that mark and come close to last year’s total. Let us do it! Let us let the light of Christ shine!
Peace, Fr. Andy