One of the Most Meaningful Experiences of my Life

The missionary ministry along the Napo River in the state of Loreto, Peru, is an extraordinary work. I went to Sta. Clotilde, Loreto, Peru in 2006 to learn about the mission so that I could be a resource for my Norbertine community. Many of the men who served in Peru had died or were in poor health. My responsibility was to observe Fr. Jack MacCarthy and Fr. Lambert Baeten and become familiar with their responsibilities, ministries, and meet the people with whom they worked. Then, with that familiarity, I could assist St. Norbert Abbey leadership when confronted with questions about the community there.

There were many unique experiences. I was just beginning to learn Spanish at that time. Going to Peru gave me an opportunity to intensify my practice of the language. The people of the Peruvian jungle communities speak both Spanish and Quechua. I learned a few pleasant words in Quechua.

A few of the most memorable experiences include the following: boat travel on moon-lit nights on the Napo River, Mass celebrated on the “barcasa” (double-decked boat), falling into a lagoon while attempting to wash my face on my first overnight river trip, praying and grieving with a family whose daughter drowned when her canoe was swamped by the wake of a passing boat, assisting a 12 year old boy to a clinic after he cut off the end of his thumb with his machete, baptizing a dozen babies in a river village at a lively Mass, and more. I am sure that Fr. Jack’s most memorable experiences are much more interesting.

Bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people of the jungle and river communities is a remarkable and rewarding task. The various tribes and communities are largely forgotten by the state. The Gospel message assures them that they are valuable, that they deserve to have the Good News preached to them so that they know that “the Lord hears the cry of the poor,” is GREAT news!

The Missionary Cooperative Appeal that we hear today helps me remember the 4 months I spent in the Peru Mission in 2006. Of course, Fr. Jack MacCarthy spent more than 30 years there, but I can say that the short time I stayed there was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. Life along the Napo River was for me like living in another world. On my own, I did not have the knowledge and skills to survive. With the help and hospitality of many people, I was able to learn and grow.

May God bless the people of Sta. Clotilda, Loreto, Peru, and, all of our sisters and brother of that region.

Peace, Fr. Andy