Merry Christmas! May you have a blessed Feast of the Holy Family as we remember the love of Jesus, Mary and Joseph at their unique time and in their unique place!
At the time I write this article we have not even begun the octave before Christmas. Las Posadas still have not begun. But, by time you read this we will have remembered and celebrated the special time of anticipating the Birth of Our Savior. We will have reflected upon the Annunciation to Mary, by the angel Gabriel, about Jesus’s birth. We will have heard of Elizabeth and Zechariah as they expect the birth of their son, John, who becomes the Baptist. Mary will have visited Elizabeth for several months, assisting her as she prepared for John’s birth. During that time, Mary would begin to “show,” revealing the coming of the Lord! Joseph will have confronted the remarkable nature of Mary’s pregnancy and decided to take her into his house with love and humility.
And, by time you read this article, we will have already begun the celebrations of Christmas, not only for a day, but for an octave. I hope you have a chance to come to Mass during the Octave of Christmas. We have Mass every day at 7:15 a.m. and 12:05 p.m., and at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday in Spanish. The Octave of Christmas provides us with an opportunity to think about, pray over, and reflect upon what God has done for us by sending us Jesus, our Savior. And then on Friday or Saturday we are expected to participate in a Mass which ends the octave. At that time, we focus upon praying for peace in the world, and to celebrate Mary as the Mother of God.
It has been one month since we began the New Year in the church. The Advent season has given us believers a chance to prepare. NOW is the time to CELEBRATE! Yes, the world is just arriving at the new year, but we have already arrived! We are already celebrating new life, new possibilities, forgiveness, reconciliation, peace, and hope for an even better future.
If your Advent Season was not sufficient for making some new commitments to be holy, happy, health, and humble, NOW is the time. Let us make the coming year a GREAT YEAR! Merry Christmas!
Peace, Fr. Andy