This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This solemnity helps us to remember the special role that Mary has in the story of our salvation through her son, Jesus the Christ. Mary is a saint. Jesus is Our Savior, the Son of God and
the son of Mary.
As the mother of Jesus, Mary certainly had great influence on her son, just the same as all mothers have the opportunity to teach and guide their children. She had the opportunity to see Jesus become an adult, a teacher, and a miracle worker. She also endured the unique pain of watching him as he was rejected by many and then put to death on the cross. But, Mary came through these experiences and is often referred to as the first Christian. She believed in him! Mary is portrayed by artists and understood by theologians as one among the apostles after the Christ’s resurrection. How many came to believe in the Jesus as Messiah, as the Christ because of Mary’s life and testimony, we cannot count.
What we celebrate in this great feast of her Assumption is the result of her exemplary motherhood, and the pain of suffering that she endured. And, this feast acknowledges that Mary, conceived without sin, merited a special passing from earthly life to heavenly life – assumed, body and soul into the eternal realms of heaven. No pause between earthly life and heavenly peace, no purgatory. Mary was, is, and always will be special in the lives of Christians and today we celebrate and venerate her goodness. Through Mary, may God be praised!
We, for our part, learn from Mary’s humility and fidelity. In this case humility does not mean “naiveté,” or simplicity in the sense of not understanding. Mary trusted and did what her faith in God demanded of her. Because she chose to believe, chose to live a faithful Jewish life, she came to know and believe in her son’s mission. Mary came to believe in the developmental way that we humans do. She experienced life, reflected upon the traditions of her faith, thought about the Jewish scriptures, and remembered the prophets’ teachings. When she put all of this knowledge, insight, and God’s grace together, she concluded that her son was the Messiah.
We learn from Mary and therefore must choose to live according our Catholic, Christian faith. As we experience life, we must deliberately consider our traditions, study and reflect upon the Sacred Scriptures which include the Gospels and the New Testament writings, and respond to God’s grace. Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death. Always!
Peace, Fr. Andy