It may already seem to be a fading memory, but not for me. Today, I want to look back to our parish picnic “Willy Jam,” on June 13.
The music as always was a highlight. We had polka music during and after Mass by the Maroszek Brothers, assisted at Mass by M&M (Manuel & Monica) from our parish; then, mixed English and Spanish language popular music by Fernando; next was the band Tamborazo who often play at Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrations; then, traditional Mariachi Nuevo Amanecer with music by parishioners Lolita and Jose and their collaborators, including Coco and my special friend Señor Jimenez on the accordion; and finally, music by the 8-piece band, KN Zavor, specializing in Latin music of all types, from cumbia and timbal, to salsa and polka. All groups were supported by the sound technician, Mario.
There was toe-tapping, arm-waving, clapping, and lots of dancing throughout the afternoon, starting with the Mass. I have never seen Catholics move so much during worship! As the children, some parents and adults, and ministers processed into Mass, we waved our white St. Willebrord handkerchiefs with enthusiasm. Praising God in such a full body manner was invigorating, even if it seems strange at Mass for those who were taught to “stand still!” by our parents and elders.
Later, some of you may have noticed that I took advantage of the opportunity to dance with children and adults, young and old, to all the forms of music. I admit that my feet were sore and legs were tired by the end of the day. There is no easy way to slide one’s feet on asphalt. I left some shoe rubber out there in the parking lot!
I appreciated our M.C.’s Maria Jose, who did some time as a clown, entertaining children and adults alike; and, Elizabeth Kostichka, one of our picnic sponsors from Catholic Life Insurance who frequently helps us with her skillful bilingual abilities. They kept us informed about schedules, music group names, children events, and services provided.
Each year at Willy Jam we invite some local service and educational organizations to have a table or booth. On the day of the picnic we again collaborated with Prevea to offer vaccines against COVID-19. I saw people with stickers which indicted their recent shot. This year NWTC representatives came to highlight a new bilingual program. Also, the Green Bay Police and Fire Departments were invited to come and build community-relations. The GB Police answered questions, met children and adults, and showed off their squad cars and motorcycles, etc.
Another great picnic, and I did not even mention the food or raffle!! Mark next year’s picnic date in your calendar – June 12, 2022.
Peace, Fr. Andy