Men Dedicated to the Gospel

Next Sunday, June 6th is the Feast of St. Norbert who inspired the way of religious life now known as Norbertine life. I wrote of this in my article of a couple of weeks ago, but through repetition is learning.

The way by which Norbert imitated the apostles’ way of life in the early church remains a powerful example by which to form our lives today. If we can use our education, spirituality, possessions, money, and talents to work for the common good, then we will be more like that early community. See the Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35:

“The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common. With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favor was accorded them all. There was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale, and put them at the feet of the apostles, and they were distributed to each according to need.”

Living a simple life, focused upon proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ was the goal of the apostles and of Norbert’s followers in the 12th century. They worshipped and prayed together. They lived and worked together for a common goal. They sought out education to prepare them for preaching and teaching. They worked together in the fields and their houses/abbeys.

Today, worship and prayer remain our focus as Norbertines in the 21st century. Our men receive an excellent education which prepares us for ministry in parishes, schools, colleges, retreat centers and more. Many of you remember the well-educated men who have ministered here like †Fr. Albin Veslovsky, †Fr. Gery Meehan, †Fr. Brendan McKeough, †Fr. Sebastian Schalk, †Fr. Ambrose Peeters, and other Norbertine priests. Most of our current parish members knew Fr. Ken DeGroot who ministered here for more than 30 years and Fr. Rod Fenzl who helped us many years. And now you know Fathers Jack McCarthy, Bill Ribbens, Jordan Neeck, Norbert N’Zilamba, John Kastenholz, Mike Brennan, Matt Dougherty, Brad Vanden Branden, Steve VandenBoogard, Mike Weber, Patrick LaPacz, Brother Jacob Sircy, and Frater Johnathan Turba, and even current Abbot Dane Radecki and former Abbots Tom DeWane and Gary Neville – all of these men and other Norbertines have helped us during the 10 years that I have been pastor.

May God continue to bless St. Willebrord Parish with worthy pastors, and may God bless St. Norbert Abbey with men dedicated to the Gospel and community life and ministry.

Peace, Fr. Andy