Determine Mass Presiders

If you ever wondered how we determine which priest will preside at Mass on a weekend, I can tell you there are many factors. First, as Pastor, I try to celebrate all Masses over a two-week period. On one weekend I will preside at four of the Masses we offer. Then, the next weekend I will preside at the other four.

There are factors that cause me to change that kind of rhythm. If we have Sacraments to celebrate or a special anniversary blessing, sometimes these events require the Pastor to be present and to preside at that Mass. There are other times when our Associate Pastor, Fr. Jack MacCarthy, is required to be elsewhere. Fr. Jack is our primary assistant and one of only a few priests who speak Spanish. On weekends he must be gone, I need to celebrate all 4 of the scheduled Masses in Spanish. Other Norbertines take the English language Masses.

Fr. Jack’s absences have occurred when he has had to go to Peru a couple of times each year. Additionally, he participates in the Missionary Cooperative Plan of the Diocese of Green Bay. Just as we welcome men and women who represent mission ministry in various parts of the world, Fr. Jack is welcomed into other parishes in the diocese. There, he tells the story of life in Peru and raises funds to support that missionary ministry.

Both Fr. Jack and I at times need a break. We have families who welcome us for visits, to travel or go camping with them, or to celebrate special occasions with them. On August 15th I celebrated the wedding Mass of my niece Olivia and her now husband, Mack. I departed Friday at Noon and returned Sunday at Noon. Furthermore, my father is still living, as well as my step-mother Donna. I want to be able to visit them for a few days on occasion. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has limited my visits over the last 6 months. In fact, until the wedding on August 15th, I had not seen any of my ten siblings since Christmas!

Fr. Jack has two brothers as well as nieces and nephews. One brother who is a retired eye doctor lives in Wausau. Fr. Jack’s own eye doctor is in Wausau as well. There are times Jack has need some eye procedures which require overnight stays. If all goes well, he will have one of those procedures in early September and may be absent for a weekend. We will need to replace him. If so, I will likely preside at all the Spanish language Masses.

Needless to say, there are multiple reasons why our presider schedule is unpredictable.

Peace, Fr. Andy