Solemnity of the Holy Trinity

The Easter season has come to an end, but the truth
of what we celebrate during Easter continues: Jesus Christ is Risen, Alleluia! He is risen indeed, Alleluia!

I pray that we will remain focused on the energy of the resurrection,
on the new life that comes through the Resurrected Jesus and the gift of
the Holy Spirit. The Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, God – One in Three – invites us to remain focused on the Oneness of God, the Unity in God, and God’s invitation for us to enter more deeply into that relationship. We are called to be One, to be a unified people. That is God’s intention and desire. May it be ours as well.

Next weekend we will begin the public celebration of the Eucharist, though only allowing participants to enter at 25% of the church’s capacity. We will do our best.

I pray that you have been doing your best to be a Eucharistic people. Even when we cannot celebrate Mass in an ideal way by having all those present who want to be, we must remain an expression of Jesus’ love in the world. That is an essential aspect of being Eucharistic. Even without Holy Communion, we must be Christ-like in our behaviors, relationships, thoughts, and attitudes. Even now we will do well to think and pray about how we can improve the ways by which we live Eucharistically, and not
just desire to “receive” the Eucharist.

Peace, Fr. Andy