Our participation in the “one by One” Campaign, organized by the diocese, remains an important priority for us. This campaign presents us with an opportunity to engage in actions that will build up the church community for years and decades to come. The campaign is our an effort to do God’s Will. We desire to love others and show them how to love. Jesus taught us what we must do. Now, let us do it!
“Building up” the community has many facets. I want to remind you of one of those facets and how your family can contribute to our success. “Caring for our common home,” is the second part of the title of the Pope’s encyclical (letter) to the whole world. We must be proactive in order to respond to the stress that our human lives and our consumption causes the world.
As I have written about in previous articles, we can take action by being more conscious of how we consume the world’s resources. We can begin to make a big difference in small ways. For instance, we can use plates, glasses, cups, and utensils that are durable, instead of one-time-use plastics and Styrofoam. We can use these items at parish and family events. Just recently, one of our hospitality ministers brought reusable plates and cups to the gathering after 9:00 Mass on Sunday. Juice, coffee, and desserts were served on these hard plates and then she and her family washed them. No problem!
When we have parties and picnics at our homes or in parks, we can advise people when we invite them, to bring their own reusable plates and utensils, etc. Or, we can make an investment in reusable eating supplies and then collect them at the end of the party and wash them. Less garbage in the landfills is a good thing.
The other simple action we can take is to plant more trees! We can do that by planting trees in our own yards, or asking others landowners to plant more trees. Another way is to make a donation to an organization dedicated to planting trees (Arbor Day Foundation, or National Forest Foundation). Here at the parish we are investigating where to plant one or more trees in the coming year. When we plant trees, especially in the city, we all must be careful not to cause problems for the public utilities or our neighbors.
Peace, Fr. Andy