Jesus Christ is Risen! Alleluia! He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!
Historically, St. Willebrord has had a robust Parish Pastoral Council. The Council consists of parishioners who serve their parish family by assessing parish needs, planning for the future, monitoring finances and physical plant needs, observing the general dynamics of the parish community, and advising the pastor.
Next weekend we will have an election for one of the two Parish Council Trustees. These persons function as part of the official governance of the parish. One is the Treasurer and the other is the Secretary. This year we are electing the Trustee-Secretary. Please vote in the Gathering Space next weekend.
Additionally, we are currently seeking new members to serve on the Council. Several members’ terms are ending and/or they have a need to leave the council at this time. We do not need “experts” in any particular area. We simply need people who are ready to work for the good of the parish.
Besides being involved in the parish as active members, council members will participate in about nine, Monday evening meetings per year. These meetings last 1-2 hours, usually with food! At those meetings, the members report on what they have seen and heard from groups or ministries in the parish. For instance, one council member will be asked to pay attention to Faith Formation – children, adolescents, adults, sacramental preparation, etc. That member will communicate with the Coordinators of Faith Formation and Adult Faith Formation in order to know about the activities and needs of the programs. Another council member may be asked to observe and report on parish social justice ministry – outreach to the poor, collections for social service agencies, letter-writing campaigns, etc. Finally, we have some members who serve in a universal way (at-large members). They are observing and participating in the parish in the widest sense and remain alert to the dynamics and needs of the parish as a whole.
Serving on the Pastoral Council is another way to meet new people and learn from their perspective. We try to invite a diversity of members to the Council. If you are able, we strongly encourage you to consider serving your parish by volunteering to become a member of the council, or recommending someone who could be a good member. Thank you!
Jesus Christ is Risen! Alleluia! He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!
Peace, Fr. Andy