Happy Father’s Day

     Happy Father’s Day to all fathers! May your special day be full of expressions of love and gratitude from your family and loved ones. And, may you never forget and always remember: you are a beloved son of God – worthy, unique and protected!

     Of course, we also offer our congratulations and best wishes to those who graduated in recent weeks – from high school, college/university, and from graduate schools. You have reason to be proud of yourself. We also are proud of you and have new hopes and expectations that you will use your knowledge and experience for the good of your family and community, including your family of faith!

     Thank you to all who participated at St. Willy Jam last Sunday! I am so pleased in all those who came early, those who came midday, and those who came late in the day and helped clean up. Of course, those of you who participated at Mass and who prayed and worshipped are worthy of praise. As always, the Mass was a great celebration of diversity and community sharing. We come from many different backgrounds and with different histories. Still, we are one community of faith which stands before God in humility asking that we may be forgiven and given strength and wisdom to go forward in faith. In that petition we are united as one under God!

      This weekend I am away visiting family, relaxing, reading, golfing, meditating, etc. Pastors, too, have families and need to take some time off. I hope to come back with restored energy and focus. You are in my prayers. Please pray for me.

Peace, Fr. Andy