Please give a warm and supportive welcome to Fr. Ferdinand Lukoa, SDS (Salvatorian), who is here this weekend offering an appeal for the missions. Let us pray for all missionaries as they share the Good News of Jesus Christ to people in all parts of the world.
Many times the conditions they encounter are beyond our imagination. The challenges missionaries face are great. For their sake and the sake of the Gospel, let us help them!
Speaking of missionaries, our Fr. Jack MacCarthy, O. Praem., who is in Peru, has been enduring the effects of the infection in his leg for several weeks. He had to go to the hospital in Iquitos for additional treatment. He sent a message that he thinks of us often, especially early in the morning when he hears the congregation singing at the church across the street from the hospital.- Jack
My message is brief this week. My primary purpose is to invite each person to think how you are going to share the Gospel in your life. What are you currently doing? What can you do in the future? What kind of preparation do you need? The Diocese of Green Bay as well as the parish offer different classes and opportunities for training. I invite you to make some space in your life in order to intentionally grow your faith and understanding of that faith. God is calling us, always! How is God calling you!
Peace, Fr. Andy