There are some relatively new non-profit organizations that I would like to highlight:
EVA Misión: This charitable organization rents a building located at the back of the lot at 1526 N. Irwin St. at the corner with Weise Street on the east side of Green Bay. They give away, or sell at low prices, donated clothing, furniture, and other household items to needy families. The money from the sales is used to help pay bills for some of those same families. It acts very much like St. Vincent De Paul, however, they focus on the Hispanic community in ways that St. Vincent has not been able to. The leaders come from St. Willebrord, St. Philip, and St. Peter and Paul parishes.
Sometimes our parish collaborates with EVA Misión as we try to help families to survive particularly difficult periods. We have joined with them to make a “down payment” on needed medical procedures or surgery. If a person has no insurance the clinic, hospital, or doctors’ group requires money in advance. Or, if someone is trying to pay rent, an electric bill, or water bill, EVA Misión and St. Willebrord Parish do not have as many requirements as other charitable organizations. We rely on familiarity with the people.
This Sunday, May 28, EVA Misión is having a fund-raiser from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at Mi Pueblo Restaurant at 1905 N. Irwin St. There will be food, music, and fun. Go and support this worthy project. All funds will be used to support the charitable works of EVA Misión. (Look for EVA Misión on Facebook)
Love Learning (a program of Love Life Ministry): Located at St. Joseph Parish, Green Bay, Love Learning has expanded to offer early literacy materials to children during the month of their first, second and third birthdays. Materials include a take-home kit with a new book, resources for parents, and age-appropriate items that encourage parent-child interaction and promote early literacy.
Building on Love Life’s existing relationship with young families, Love Learning offers parents additional support as their children celebrate these milestones in their lives by connecting them to community resources such as the Brown County Library, Health Department and UW Extension. Special book purchases are made for Hispanic, Somali, and Hmong families to encourage parents to read aloud with their children. This is a great program to support.
Peace Fr. And