Jesus Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

Jesus Christ is Risen! Alleluia! He is Risen, indeed! Alleluia!!!
      May that statement of faith be in your heart, on your mind, and shouted from your lips this Easter season.

      I hope and pray that you have an experience of renewal this Easter. The “energy” of the Resurrection of Christ is all around us. The Resurrection is a renewing and revitalizing force. Christ Jesus changed everything when he rose from the dead and he offered “peace” to his disciples. Even though they had mostly abandoned him after his arrest, the Risen Christ did not hold their rejection against them. He wanted them to know forgiveness. He wanted them to move forward. He wanted them to carry forth his ministry and message.

      Jesus hopes for us to carry forth his ministry and message, too. We are invited to be reconcilers and peacemakers. We are called to be merciful and compassionate. We are obliged to be forgiving. We are given the opportunity to look forward to eternal life.

      The Easter Season is 50 days of celebration and meditation. We are presented with 50 days to focus on the life-giving energy of Christ’s Resurrection. Then, for the other 315 days of the year we must live and grow and work and study and pray and receive as followers of the Christ.

      Happy Easter everyone!! May you see God’s power and new life within and around you every day!!

Peace Fr. Andy