Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday has already arrived, or finally arrived, depending on your point of view. Nonetheless, this is the beginning of Holy Week. Each day this week in our parish, or nearby, there is a special event – Seder Meal, Chrism Mass at the Cathedral, Reconciliation Service with confessions, Mass of Lord’s Supper, reading of the Lord’s Passion, Adoration of the Cross, and the Vigil of Easter with baptisms, confirmations, and first communion.

Are you ready!

For some people Holy Week does not appear to be different because they do not change their schedule. Nothing changes in their life. Holy Week is just another week and they only see Easter as a special Sunday Mass. In fact, it is every Sunday that is a “little Easter.” Easter is the center of our Christian faith. Our faith-lives revolve around Easter!

Because of the centrality of Easter we prove to be wise as we use Holy Week so as to be enriched by the great revelations of Easter. With Easter we know that death no longer has hold over us, that our sins are forgiven, that violence and vengeance have lost their power, and that our lives are eternal. Such truths require some thoughtful and prayerful consideration. The powerlessness of death, sin, violence, and vengeance, and the promise of eternal life have proven difficult for many to accept. Even Christians are seduced to think that they express power by their use of threats of death, violence, and vengeance. In fact, we believe that it is only love, forgiveness, and the freedom which comes with faith in the promise of eternal life which express true power.

Because of Easter’s importance, the traditions and images of Palm Sunday and Holy Week prepare us for the final days. We “enter into” the week, carrying the palms. We remember Jesus decision to go to Jerusalem in order to face his final challenges and his accusers. We focus on Jesus’ willingness to lovingly make an unselfish sacrifice for the sake of others, for OUR sake. His sacrifice of love manifests the power of love and forgiveness. His Resurrection is the promise to us that we will live in his love, forever.

Peace, Fr. Andy